Porcelain Tile is a Workhorse, Too

Porcelain Tile is a Workhorse, Too

Posted by That Tile Lady on Nov 20th 2020

We’re in the business of selling tile (in case you hadn’t noticed), which means we spend a lot of our time discussing their intricate patterns, subtle differences in their finishes, and which shade of blue feels like just the right amount of blue. And we love it. Design is always evolving. So even though we specialize in one particular aspect, the work never feels redundant.

But if we’re being honest, we spend a lot more of our time discussing tile’s superior performance and functionality than we do pinning down specific styles. Most have a pretty good idea about what they want in their tile, looks-wise. It’s more a matter of honing the image they’re carrying around in their heads (or phones) or exposing them to the full extent of possibilities within their search parameters. But few realize just how much of a game changer tile—porcelain tile, specifically—can be for their homes.

It doesn’t let dirt, dust mites, bacteria, mold, and other irritants take root like other kinds of building materials and most other flooring options do. And that’s just scratching the surface. Which, by the way, will never happen to porcelain tile. Its hard-fired surface is super-durable, making it resistant to scratches, scrapes, scuffs, and chips, even after years of heavy use.

Got your full attention now? Good. Here are a few other qualities that make porcelain tile more than just another handsome design element.

Water resistance

Porcelain tile has a water-absorption rate of about 0.5%, which makes it the most water-resistant type of tile in the ceramic tile family. That’s like picking the most talented Jonas brother—we realize we’re splitting hairs, but it’s still worth noting.

Stain resistance

The same qualities that make it virtually impervious to moisture also make porcelain tile highly resistant to stains. Whether it’s coffee or Crayon, a damp cloth should be all you’ll need. And don’t worry about permanent discoloration. Every accident is as good as forgotten once it’s cleaned up.

Fade resistance

Color-leaching UV rays from the sun can fade certain kinds of hardwood and vinyl flooring over time. Porcelain, by contrast, has its color baked directly into the tile’s clay body (for unglazed tile) or its glazed surface (for glazed tile), which essentially means its color will remain as vibrant as it is on the day of installation for the life of the tile.

Low maintenance

All of the aforementioned qualities make cleaning porcelain tile a cinch. A quick sweep to collect any loose dirt, crumbs, and pet hair and then wipe it down with clean water. That’s it. If only every design element in your home delivered as big of a return on so little attention, right?